Create Our Future- An Update

 I'd love to share an update on the Create Our Future project. 

This project grew from an idea I shared early on in the first UK lockdown in response to the Covid pandemic. You can have a quick browse through the previous blog posts to discover the story of the project so far.

1. An idea...

2. Create Our Future 

3. A prototype 

4. Co-design session

After the co-design session the team working on this project focussed on creating a funding bid for the Arts Council's National Lottery Project Grant. 

This was a good method to help us dig deep into the practicalities of the project. How will it actually happen?! Who, what, when, where and of much? We created some really useful user journey maps, from the perspective of both the participants and the artists. We had to analyse the project in a number of ways to ensure that the project plan was feasible and ultimately impactful. Below is a snapshot of the project. (Of course on my computer I have the full and comprehensive plans, budget breakdowns and more!)

The rough budget asked for was £40,000. The main costs here are the commission fees to artist who will create the 'creative experiences.' As a team we are committed to paying artist's for their time and recognising the value of creative skills that the artist's bring. 

Unfortunately at our first attempt in this highly competitive funding world we were unsuccessful. Although we were pleased that the feedback showed that we met all the requirements, we just needed a little MORE to get selected for the money. Darn it! Since then we have revisited the project to flesh out the user journey for the artists and expand on the benefits to the artists as well as the participants. We are hoping to make another application in the near future in the hope this extra input could get us the success we hope for!

If in the meantime, someone is reading this blog and has a solution that they'd like to share with us it would be VERY gratefully received! Please do get in touch
