Create Our Future- A prototype

 Create Our Future is now at prototype stage!

On 25th June we held an event with The RSA which took the format of a co-design session. We invited the participants to try the prototype before they attended the session and they were then invited to provide feedback and ideas for taking this project further. 

Since that event we have had a few others show an interest in trying the prototype and giving feedback. So below is all the information and the links that you will need to do that.
If you'd like to get involved in the next steps for the project to help get it off the ground then that would be fab! We have a mailing list which you can join or email 
If you'd like to know the background of this project you can read more here.

This prototype is a drawing exercise which uses pens and paper. You will access the experience as an audio file. As you listen you will be guided in creating your artwork and given questions to reflect on as you work.

Our hope is to build a menu of different creative experiences for participants to choose from. We encourage collaboration from artists, craftspeople, musician, poets, photographers, actors…all those with creative ideas to offer! This concept will be part of the discussion at this event. 

Before you begin collect this list of equipment;

3 sheets of A4 paper. A section of pens & pencils- between 3 and 10 mark making tools. (crayons, markers, felt tips etc)

Please access the audio file here:

At the end of the experience you will be encourages to fill in a quick quiz. Here is the link

Below you can find the questions asked during the experience. 
