Create Our Future

Well here we are. We now have an project idea that has built from that first blog post that I wrote for The RSA at the start of the Coronavirus lockdown. 

(If you'd like to you can read the background of this project on my previous blogpost.)

With a couple of other Fellows I have created a prototype for the project- it is a hands-on creative activity that acts as a personal reflective experience. It is an audio experience where you are guided in creating your artwork and spend time thinking about how our future should look. It guides the participant through thinking about what future they want and moves on to what actions are required to achieve this. Moving from ideas into action.
The result is a melding of collaborative creativity, mindfulness and activism.

The prototype is based on a pen and paper based activity and I would LOVE to create a menu of creative experiences so that participants can choose from pottery to dance to embroidery as the creative experience that facilitates the reflection.

I have created a short video as an introduction to the project.

We are holding an event with the RSA on 25th June which is an opportunity for Fellows (and everyone who shows interest!) to test this prototype and give us some feedback before we look to rolling this out.
The event info is here

After that I hope to create a finalised version of the experience (or hopefully the menu of options!) ready to be rolled out on a larger scale for the greater public. I'm taking things one step at a time but watch this space to see how things develop.

OR if you'd like to get involved in the next steps for the project to help get it off the ground that that would be fab! We have a mailing list which you can join. 
